Dental Care for Your Preschooler

Tooth Character
In a study released by the Center for Disease Control, the number of decayed or filled surfaces in children under six progressed with age. For example at age 2 children experienced between 0-2 cavities. By age three, the number of cavities was found to be between 0-5. By age four, cavities jumped from 1-6, and by age five, cavities jumped from 2-8 in primary teeth. As a parent, you might be wondering how to reduce the impact of decay and cavity/fillings for your child. The good news is that there is a lot that you can do to help improve the oral health of your children.
Help to develop a positive attitude for dental visits

As a dentist who works well with dental patients who are young and growing, I recommend finding a dental home doctor for your children by the age of one. As parents, you play a huge role in how successful your children perceive dental visits. If you dread going to the dentist, then your children will pick on that emotion and fear the dentist. Instead, try to act excited to go to the dentist. Make a big day out of dental appointments for your kids. Praise and reward them for brushing their teeth. The younger they are when they take pride in their oral health the better it is for you as a parent. Good oral health is the result of great parenting. As a dentist, I can give you the best advice, but it is up to you to make sure it is followed. These tips and tricks can help you achieve great oral health for your children.

Tips and Tricks to get your child to help with their oral care.
Start off early and avoid sugary drinks and snacks. Read the label on juice and dairy products and choose items with the least amount of added sugars.
Set dental appointment times when your child is at their best. This means choosing a time when they are alert and rested. Even the best dentist may have a difficult time overcome a grumpy mood.
Introduce children to the dental environment before their appointment. Familiarity is a great tool to reduce stress in children. Also take the time to explain the procedure to children, and encourage them to ask questions.

Another great tip is to include dental teachings in bedtime stories. … and the little prince brushed his teeth and then …. We hope that these tips help you and inspire your child to engage in the best oral health practices possible.